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Community & Cold Water

“We are one.”

'We are one'. Do, think or say whatever you choose to convince yourself otherwise. But ultimately, we are all made of the same matter. Within Yoga, it is believed that we are all interconnected through nature and 'Prana' (life force energy)

Our goal is to spread the understanding that living well is living mindfully, consciously and joyfully. Feeling fully in connection with oneself. Feeling connected with others. Observing and flowing with nature. That is truly living. Modern society will try it's utmost to convince you otherwise. That you lack many things. That you need to work harder, earn more and buy more to feel great. It's all nonsense. Allow yourself to indulge in living simply. In living joyously. And watch with curiosity how consciousness, presence and 'moments' become your currency. Watch how the materials items and status symbols, the items for which you once were willing to give up your health, your time with your family, your life... become completely insignificant...

Our mission is to bring people together. That may mean bringing a person back to themselves. That may be bringing like-minded people together. To practise together. To share moments. To share moments consciously. To celebrate our bodies, our breath, our health, our Prana. To be acutely aware of the powerful and sometimes hidden beauty in everyday things. We ignite joy through movement, through mindfulness and most importantly - connection.

Explore the outdoors...

As we welcome the summer months we are invited to explore the outdoors. Opportunities present themselves to truly relish in being outside and perhaps even dip a toe into some fresh cold water! A chance to venture slightly out of our comfort zones...

Longford is completely underestimated in terms of outdoor offerings. Here in Longford, we are surrounded by an abundance of stunning bodies of water. Each with it's own charm. Each 'alive' with abundant nature.

On the banks of the canal one can choose a spot to cosy up and enjoy a balmy Summer evening of 'gazing' meditation on the still water below.

Derrycassin Woods offers the opportunity for a slow mindful forest walk or forest bathing. As the woodland hugs the shorelines of Lough Gowna, one enjoys stunning lake views glistening and peeping through the woodland... Choose a spot, by the shoreline or on a viewpoint bench to sit and simply drink in the beauty of the water stretching for miles...

This summer, as always, we'll be celebrating Longford @ BeWell. Longford is an undiscovered gem in the heart of Ireland's hidden Heartlands. Those from Longford may not see it but we know so from the people who travel from Wicklow, Cavan, Sligo, Letirim and as far as Galway to enjoy Yoga Events @ our Space. This Summer we'll be devoting our time to celebrating Longford's outdoor nature and true beauty through the practise of Yoga, Meditation and Cold Water Dipping.

Cold Water Therapy

With the weather slowly heating up, it’s time to push the boundaries of ‘the norm’ and deep dive into all the things that we may often resist.

It's often the path of least resistance that gifts us the greatest opportunities for growth.

This is where cold water therapy comes to light.

You may be familiar with the great Wim Hof? Over the last few years this inspirational being has introduced a way of healing through nature. In fact, he uses extreme conditions to shock the nervous system as a way of resetting and recharging—something we could all benefit from in these times of uncertainty!

“You are stronger than you think you are.” — Wim Hof

We’ve taken inspiration from this powerful method of healing and introduced it into our upcoming events at BeWell.

In the beginning, you may feel uncomfortable. You may even question why you agreed to come in the first place! Believe us, we've experienced this mindset too!

But when your body acclimates to the cold and you harness the power of the breath you’ll find yourself with a huge smile on your face because…YOU DID IT.

The breath is the tool that carries us through life. When we understand how to take control of this guidance system through the practice of breathwork we can learn how to control our emotions and ignite that mind-body connection. There are many ways of breathing that can create huge shifts within the body and mind. Through the practice of yoga, meditation and breathwork you’ll become more aware of the tools required to create an ocean of serenity for the mind, body and soul.

Cold water therapy offers an abundance of health benefits including:

  • Reduced stress levels

  • Greater cold tolerance

  • Faster recovery

  • Enhanced creativity

  • Stronger immune system

  • Increased energy

  • Better sleep

  • Heightened focus & determination

  • Improved sports performance

  • Increased willpower

So, why not give it a go?!

Yoga & Dip - with Caroline

Outdoor Sunday morning water edge yoga flows @ Lanesboro. Followed by a cold water Shannon Dip and yummy Breakfast by Marie and the team @Wilder&Gold @ DistilleryYard. (See dates & details here)

Friday Forest Flow - with Miriam

Friday evening balmy Forest Flows in the heart of Derrycassin Woods.

Let’s come together and celebrate the true beauty of Longford's outdoors through yoga and meditation. (See dates & details here)

Children's Outdoor Yoga & Nature Crafts - with Caroline

We’ve also created fun-filled days with your little ones in mind. Throughout summer we will host Children's Outdoor Yoga & Nature Crafts. A Summer's early afternoon of yoga & nature crafts for your little ones. (See dates & details here)

For our Lanesboro events we've teamed up with Marie and her team @ Wilder&Gold @ DisilleryLane for our Yoga & Dip Brekkies and Children's Outdoor Yoga Parent/Guardian Coffees.

You’re in for a treat this summer with plenty of nature-inspired events, workshops and retreats. A time to come together. To celebrate the outdoors. To embrace and love Longford. Whether you've lived here forever or you're coming to visit...

We look forward to welcoming you.

Love & Light,

Becci, BeWell x




Phone: 00 353 89 965 5515


Unit 1c, Mastertech

Athlone Road


N39 W5D7

(Beside ShannonSide FM & TopParts)

© 2023 by BeWell. 

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