Thinking about doing an online yoga teacher training programme but not sure what to expect? This post, written by our wellness blogger and teacher trainee Kendall, will give you a rough idea on what an average day is like on the BeWell 200hr Online YTT!
Now that I'm almost finished with my YTT, I wanted to share with you what an average day is like when doing a yoga teacher training online. It's worth noting that every day is different and you get to learn a mixture of things. Some days it's more theory and reading, some days it's more practical, but I've tried to summarise an average day on the training.
Disclaimer: I did not do this every day. This was my ideal routine that I stuck to most of the time but some days life happened and maybe I woke up late or didn't get started until midday. It is 2020 after all! 😏
8 am - 8.45 am: Meditation Practice
I start most days with my 30 minute meditation practice. Each week is a different style of meditation and afterwards I spend about 5-10 minutes journaling about my practice: noting anything that feels different and just my overall feelings for the day/how I found today's meditation.
Break: shower, breakfast
9 am - 10.30 am: Theory
Each day there is at least one area of theory to read up about and then complete written exercises about. I spend this time reading the given materials and making notes.

10.30 am - 12 pm: Asana Practice
By this time, it is nice to get a little movement in to stimulate the mind and let what you have just learnt settle. I use this time for the day's practice which varies from vinyasa and yin to unguided, personal practice. Afterwards, I spend around 10-15 minutes reflecting on the practice and journaling about it.
Break: Lunch
1 pm - 2.30 pm: Written Exercises
The course includes various written exercises, based on the theory completed earlier in the day. The topics include things like the history of yoga, the chakras, the yamas and niyamas, and other important topics that you need to master to become a yoga teacher!
2.30 pm - 4 pm: Workshop
There are videos/workshops throughout the course on different topics. For example, going through different postures, anatomy, business of yoga etc. These are pre-recorded sessions so I usually pause and go back through these to make notes and to make sure I fully understand.

3 pm - 3.30 pm: Pranayama
Each day also includes a pranayama (breathing) exercise. I spend a short time after, journaling about how today's pranayama was.
3.30 pm - 5 pm: Additional Extras
There are extras to complete throughout the week like essays, teaching practice, research, reading etc. So I use a little bit of time each day to focus on these things.
It may seem like a lot but it is amazing how quickly the day flies by! There is a lot of information to take in and absorb but it is an exhilarating experience and every day is fun, challenging and eye-opening.
Each day is jam-packed full with a balanced mixture of theory, practical, pre-recorded sessions and personal work/reflection. I try to stick to the schedule as much as I can, but because I'm doing the self-paced course, I have the flexibility and freedom to set my own pace and complete the work in a timeframe that fits my schedule. Sometimes I do the work in the evenings or any time really, if I'm getting really into it and want to do more that day.
So there it is! A day in the life of a teacher trainee! Do you have any questions about the course? I'd love to help answer them! Leave a comment below and let me know!