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5 Essentials For Your Home Yoga Studio (or Bedroom)

Over the past few months, the possibilities and ways to practice yoga at home have hit a new high. Whether you have been doing Vinyasa classes online with your fave BeWell teacher, or finding your own personal flow, perhaps you’ve noticed your practice space shifting? In time, you will naturally add different pieces of equipment and props to your at-home space, to allow you to fully relax and embrace it. A candle here, an altar there - it all adds to making your yoga space feel like just that: a space for yoga.

So let's dive into it: your home studio. And by studio, we totally mean your bedroom or any other room in the house. Once you step on your mat, it transforms and becomes your home studio, of course.

First things first, it's important to feel present when you are practicing yoga. Clutter in your space can easily become clutter of the mind. You don’t want to be focusing on the pile of clothes on your bed! So be sure to keep things clean and tidy, perhaps even ritualising a quick tidy-up before you started.

So what else might be useful to add to your space? Well, whilst there are certain bits of equipment that are very useful for all at-home yogis, it is of course possible to progress along your yoga journey without any equipment at all. But if you are in a position where you might like to add some extras, we’ve compiled a list of our favourite yoga props and accessories for your home yoga studio:

Yoga Mats

While obvious, it needs a mention. If you're just starting out, you may or may not have a mat. Whilst it isn’t impossible to practice without a mat, it definitely does make yoga a lot easier and we would recommend to all students practicing at home to invest in a mat.

Having that cushion to support you, cushion sensitive limbs, and stop you from slipping/sliding/picking up all the lint from your carpet will allow you to be more immersed in your flow! There are plenty of mats to choose from (probably too many), these come in a range of textures, sizes, materials and prices. At the end of the day though, good grip to help your hands and feet from slipping is inevitably what you want from your mat.


Yoga blocks are useful props, especially for beginners. Not only can they make postures more accessible but they can also help you to achieve more advanced poses too. Two blocks can be useful to rest both hands on for advanced moves like jump throughs, but one block is usually enough for most people.


Straps can both aid your practice whilst simultaneously helping you to avoid injury. Using straps in postures such as Supta Padangustasana (lying down hand to big toe pose) can give you that extra wiggle room to ensure you don't strain or overdo it. Straps can also be used to achieve a wider range of motion, to aid with alignment and to improve posture in a pose.


A yoga journal is exactly as it sounds. A place for you to document and reflect on every practice. A powerful tool to elevate your journey. You can write about how you feel and any struggles or achievements you were met within your daily practice.

It is also a really useful method of self-care. We find that writing down our feelings and thoughts is like shedding skin. To be able to look back and reflect over things or days that were tough is motivating.

Extras to get you in your zen

Now you have all the tools to support your practice, it’s time to focus on the space and creating the atmosphere. After all, the atmosphere is just as important as everything else on this list.

Try using the following in your home space to create a relaxed ambience...

  • Candles

  • Diffuser

  • Flowers

  • Essential Oils

  • Crystals

Just like that, you have created a peaceful and enjoyable space for you to roll out your mat and get the most from your practice. Looking for some guidance and a fab online community to be a part of? Check out our our online class timetable if you would like to join us for a class! We'll see you on the mat 😊




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