Similarly as Dragon Crossbow, this is a very cheap OSRS gold small boost to your Ranged skills that could cost you quite a bit. If you're able to afford it then purchase one, but if you don't you could want to steer clear of this part. As we mentioned earlier, the need to boost your abilities is not that big and the cost is huge.
This is the perfect late gun since it's considerably less expensive than alternative weapons, but nevertheless does an excellent job. The blowpipe is several times cheaper than Armadyl Crossbow , but it needs Zulrah Scales to charge which can cost you more. It can fire up to Dragon Darts and has an amazing special attack that boosts damage dealt and heals the user. This should be used as your main weapon until you are extremely rich.
Two honorable mentions of the special weapon: DRAGON Hunter Crossbow. This is similar to Dragon Crossbow in terms of features, but has an incredible 30% bonus to damage when fighting Dragons. It is the best weapon to use to farm these beasts and for the reason the fact that it costs more than 100 million.
This is the most powerful end game boss weapon to be Ranged within RuneScape. It requires level 75 to utilize. It is different from other Ranged weapons with OSRS Membership For Sale an established strength for their attacks. Twisted Bow scales its damage and accuracy basing on Magic Level of your opponent. This is why Twisted Bow is great for fighting bosses, but it isn't so great in normal training. Because the effect it provides is so popular, it is priced at over 1bil.